Code Enforcement

The City of Dexter takes pride in its residential, commercial, and industrial areas. We work hard to promote a clean, safe living environment by enforcing codes, which support the health, welfare, and safety of our community. If you have a question about these codes, or about a possible violation of them. We will be happy to investigate your concerns or answer any questions you may have.

Report a concern online or call (573) 624-5512. For Building or Structure Code Violations Contact City Hall at (573) 624-5959

Common Code Violations
High grass
Debris around a structure
Structures left in a state of disrepair
Work being done without a permit
For a complete list please see the City Codes

Enforcement Process

Code Enforcement begins when the Enforcement Officer observes a violation or a complaint is called into the Department by a citizen.
1.A complaint is received by the department
2.An inspection is performed to verify that a violation exists on the property
3.The property owner is then notified that a violation exists and is given ten days in which to correct the violation
4.A follow-up inspection is performed to verify that the violation has been corrected if not a citation is issued
5.If compliance cannot be achieved through normal channels, the resident is issued a summons to appear in municipal court

What can I burn in the City limits?

It is unlawful to burn rubbish of any kind, other than papers, paper goods, cardboard or leaves, anywhere in the City except in a stove, furnace or incinerator inside a building.
It is unlawful to burn off leaves, grass or other vegetation from any vacant lot or unimproved field in the City without previously obtaining a permit to do so from the Fire Chief of the City of Dexter.

How do I know if I am in the City limits?

To determine if property is located within the City Limits or to obtain an address for a new building or existing structure or lot, call city hall at 573-624-5959.

Do I need a building permit?

Permits are required to:
-Construct a building
-Alter or remodel a building
-Repair a building
-Move a building
-Demolish a building
-Adding or replacing a deck
-Adding or replacing a wheelchair ramp
-Build a fence
-Put up commercial tents
-Put up an accessory/storage building
-To set up a mobile home
-Build a Pool

Can I have chickens in the City limits?

Yes, however please contact the code enforcement officer for restrictions.

Do I need a permit for a yard sale?

No. Citizens are allowed 3 yard sales per month per household. No signs are permitted on city property.

How do I report a code violation?

Call the Police Department at (573) 624-5512 press 1 for Dispatch and request the Code Enforcement Officer.

For Building and Structure Code Violations call City Hall at (573) 624-5959.